Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Peeing without the Stick

So, today is the 21st -- PT Day (Pregnancy Test Day). Of course, both D and I couldn't stand the wait and decided to jump the gun and test early yesterday, mid-afternoon. Sadly, the test came up negative, but we're hopeful that we just tested a little too early and/or D's pee wasn't as concentrated as it needed to be to get an accurate reading (the instructions recommended either using first morning urine or holding pee for a certain number of hours prior to testing). Since we did neither of these, we had planned to re-test this morning with the recommended first morning urine, but in her normal sleepy, zombie-like state, D peed without testing while I was in the shower. Hence, we've decided to wait until tomorrow morning. D's last period began on the night of June 22nd, which makes today the 30th day. By tomorrow, she'll officially be three days late. While we both are thinking optimistically because of her lateness, we're still skeptical given the negative reading yesterday. We're also unsure of whether inducing ovulation with the HCG shot can delay her period. So, we'll wait some more... And I'll make sure to put the toilet seat up before I go to bed tonight just in case a comatose D decides to direct her sights on the toilet without being armed with the stick.

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