Thursday, July 8, 2010

Musak and Stirrups

I hope everyone's thinking positive thoughts for us. We had our first IUI procedure yesterday. Before the procedure, the nurse asked us to verify that the donor's number was the same as that marked on the vial. Then the doctor told us about the donor sperm's concentration (40 million per ml) and motility (65%), both of which were apparently excellent for a frozen specimen. You go Eagle Scout Drummer! During the IUI, a catheter is used to inject washed sperm directly into the uterus. D said that it hurt a little. The whole procedure took a momentous five seconds -- we exhausted ourselves worrying about this for the last three months and it's over with one five second plunger push. How anticlimactic!? Afterward, D was told to remain lying down for fifteen minutes before dressing, so we were left in the room listening to bad Musak with D's feet in stirrups. Despite the unromantic, sterile atmosphere and the Air Supply, I still managed to get weepy thinking of the possibilities while D and I held hands and waited for the nurse to return. Our next appointment, which is to test D's progesterone level, is scheduled for one week after the procedure. Pregnancy, though, can't be confirmed until one week after that -- the 21st. Since it is a thirteen day wait, maybe it's not appropriate for me to ask that you keep your fingers crossed, but do think positive thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ladies,

    I have to admit I have been a terrible slacker and not reading or checking your blog. But do not think for a single moment that I have dropped the baton or pom-poms. I am cheering with lots of gusto. I cannot wait to find out what the 21st brings.

